Monday 23 May 2011

An age of discovery

I love it when I find something new which creates an excitement which reminds me of being a very young child. Now a days this can take many forms like finding a new gadget, a new app, a new TV programme or discovering a new band or book that en-captivates you immediately. However what I have discovered today is seeing for the first time the superb presentation by Sir Ken Robinson  on 'YouTube' entitled 'Changing Education Paradigms'. It is funny what excites you as you get older but this is good as it articulates beautifully the work that we have been doing through Young Chamber to try to address the issues that Sir Ken highlights in his presentation. I have long made comment that all children have place in society and have such amazing potential that any future plans for developing global economies and the societies in which they live must have built in a very solid foundation for the development and education of our young people. In Sir Kens speech he talks about the current educational systems being built upon the old industrial model of education, which  I agree but I would also add that the system now needs to evolve reflecting today's society. Of course I do totally understand why such a model was developed in the first place but it has not evolved to sweep up and embrace the vast range of qualities and differences that being human adds to society. So thank you Sir Ken for articulating some of the work that we are trying to do for young people across the country in showing and highlighting the tremendous range of opportunity that exists for our young people post education. The challenge for us all is how we restructure the system to engage with the majority of young people, to give them all the opportunity to develop and shape their own dreams, ambitions and aspirations and then to encourage them to make their ambitions a reality. This is what the YC has already started to try to do.    

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